Diva 12 Pressure Sprayer 12Ltr
The Diva 12 pressure sprayer is a very portable sprayer made in Italy by industry leading company DiMartino. Although its very compact in size it holds up to 2Lt of liquid and sprays up to 80cm at 2 bar pressure with a very even, adjustable spray thanks to the calibrated hole. Users will be happy that unlike many other sprayers where there are no spares, for this quality product a replacement nozzle is available.
Stainless steel is the other material used in the construction of this durable sprayer; this includes the shaft used for pressurizing and the springs.
This model is aimed at the domestic user who wants a sprayer that will last, and will enable them to treat potted plants with insecticide and or foliar feeds, will be able to mist their orchids and other such tasks.